Since 1910: A Brief History of Marchant Calculators



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The "Deci-Magic"








The “Deci-Magic”

During the period in which the new building was rising, Marchant Calculators was busy on the product development front. Another great first in calculator development was recorded – a model that sets all decimals automatically.

Descriptively named the “Deci-Magic,” this model captures and controls the elusive decimal point at the touch of a single key. All entries in the keyboard, all figures entered in keyboard dial and front dial, and all answers (which are shown in the carriage dials) are instantly and correctly pointed off automatically.

Johnston Adding Machine Company Acquired

Through acquisition of the Johnston Adding Machine Company, North Hollywood, California, in 1957 Marchant expanded for the first time outside of specialization in the production and marketing of calculators. The 10-key adding machine developed by Johnston is not a member of the Marchant family of products.

The distinctive design, operational features and construction of the original machine have been further refined by Marchant’s engineers. Extremely light touch, electrified feature keys and a compact, simplified keyboard make possible high speed touch system operations.

The Board of Directors and the management of Marchant Calculators had for several years been exploring avenues of broadening the product line. Some research and development directed toward this objective had been pursued, with attention to both electromec hanical and electronic devices.